To change lives in the communities we serve by feeding the hungry today, and building a healthy, hunger-free tomorrow!



Milk Donation Received

December 5th, 2024|Generous Donation|

Selah Naches Food Bank is very thankful for the generosity of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints for their milk donation. We received 24 pallets with 40,327 pounds of milk - a total of 4,320 gallons donated by the church to be shared with several [...]

Yakima Valley Business Times Features the Food Bank!

May 8th, 2024|News|

Selah Naches Food Bank Serving Folks in its New Location Yakima Valley Business Times BY TAWNI MARTIN, Contributing Writer The Board of the Selah Naches Food Bank thought the line from the Field of Dreams movie, “If you build it, they will come,” might apply to them, so they [...]

SNFB Tree at the Holiday Lights Extravaganza

December 12th, 2023|Fundraising, News|

Thank you to the Yakima Valley Museum for allowing us to include our tree in this unique fundraiser for the Selah Naches Food Bank and other community non-profits. Stop by the museum and check out the beautiful trees and support your favorite local charities! [...]

Selah GymKids Food Drive

December 10th, 2023|Food Drives, News|

Wow! Look at all the food donations that the kids from Selah GymKids collected for the Selah Naches Food Bank! These industrious kids and their generous families gathered food during the month of November and brought it to the Food Bank to share with the community. Thank you for [...]

New Location Open to the Public!

December 1st, 2023|Building Campaign, News|

It's a Historic Day - the Soft Launch of the Selah Naches Food Bank at our New building! At long last after a huge effort by the community to raise money for our new home, the Selah Naches Food Bank is open at the new location! Our sincerest thanks [...]

Yakima Valley Business Times features SNFB

April 4th, 2022|News|

Selah Food Bank May Move Behind Grocery Outlet Store Yakima Valley Business Times March 2022 by Michael Samson The Selah Food Bank may soon have a new home behind the Grocery Outlet store on Goodlander Road and North Park Drive [in Selah]. "The school district let (the food bank) [...]

New Shelving Obtained

January 18th, 2022|News|

In January 2022, we showed a new look at our Distribution Center at the Civic Center. In late December we were able to buy several items from the Selah School District Surplus sale for the Food Bank. We bought extra garbage cans, small rolling carts and most importantly several [...]

Operation Harvest Donations

October 12th, 2021|News|

We appreciate the communities support each year and their generosity in helping those in need. After the bags are picked up, they are brought back to our warehouse and volunteers come in to unpack the non perishable food collected and sort by categories. We are thankful for our volunteers [...]

Selah School District Students Support

January 19th, 2020|News|

For many years the students of the Selah School District have supported the Selah Food Bank through food drives at each school and with hands-on volunteer work. We salute these students in their efforts to help keep Selah/Naches families fed and healthy! At a young age our youth are [...]

A New Home for the Selah Naches Food Bank

The Selah and Naches Communities have a growing need for food assistance services. Our goal is to build a facility that will not only provide a much larger food storage space but will increase accessibility and outreach.

Find out how you can support the building of a new home for the Selah Naches Food Bank.

Land Purchase

Land (.71 acre) has been purchased, located at the corner of Goodlander Road and North Park Drive in Selah, behind Grocery Outlet.


3D Digital Design and Development has designed the structure for the Food Bank, which has been approved.


Fundraising has begun for the 4,200 sq ft building for the new Selah Naches Food Bank, with a goal of $750,000. See how you can contribute below.

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