Food Distribution

Selah Naches Food Bank Distribution Days

The Food Bank serves the food needs primarily of residents in the Selah and Naches School Districts which include the communities of Selah, East Selah, Naches, and Gleed.

Now open at our new location!

Selah Naches Food Bank
810 N Park Dr
Selah, WA 98942

Mondays and Fridays – 9:00 – 11:00 am
Wednesdays – 5:00 – 7:00pm

Holidays/Inclement Weather:

During major holidays and on snowy or icy road days, check our Facebook page before you come to make sure the Food Bank is open.


No ID required. We will only ask your address and the numbers and ages of persons in your household, for statistical use.

How it Works

Check in: Clients will register at the sign in table. We request you come with your address. (Homeless also welcome), First and Last names and birthdates/ages of everyone residing at that address. Clients will then receive a membership card for future check in. After signing in clients will then be given a shopping cart to begin, or sit and wait for an available cart.

Note We do NOT share any personal information with anyone, Only the demographics are used for our State and Federal contracts/Grants.
No ID required for general services. One Client service allowed per residential address per month.

Choose from Perishable and Non-Perishable items: Upon receiving a cart, clients will begin shopping. Following the route set up, clients can choose from a large variety of products, including refrigerated and frozen foods. Limits of how many items may be taken by each family are posted on the shelves. We ask that everyone respect the limits posted so we can feed as many families as possible.

Note: Many of the products offered are donated and may be past their “Use Best By Date”. These products are safe and healthy but may be a little below the standard quality of purchased foods.

Unload your chosen items: Volunteers are available throughout the Food Bank to assist clients. Upon reaching the end, clients go to the check-out table where Volunteers area available to help box/bag their items and assist clients to their car.

We encourage clients to please bring reusable bags, if possible.

Photo Gallery

Help us keep the Food Bank Stocked!

Would your family or community group like to organize a Food Drive to help us keep the Food Bank stocked to meet the needs of our community?

Food Donations, Food Drives and Funds are always welcome.